Survey Result from the Attendees

Survey result from attendees attending Thai Link  Boston Job Fair
February 24, 1996 at Howard Johnson Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts

How did you hear about the job fair?
Check all that apply.
[ 15 ] Direct Postal Mail	[ 9 ] Email	[ 4 ] Thai Link web page	
[ 30 ] Friend	[ 3 ] Relative
[ 5 ] International Student Office	[ 7 ] Thai restaurant

Is this the first time you have attended any job fair?
[  31 ] Yes			[ 21 ] No

Would you like to be contacted for the future job fair event?
[ 53 ] Yes			[ 1 ] No

Do the date and month for the job fair fit your schedule?
[ 39 ] Yes 			[ 6 ] No		[ 11 ] Indifferent
Any month and date do you prefer :
which month ---Summer, June, Vacation time, late May, Oct., Mid Feb.
which date    ______________________.  (e.g. early, mid or late of the month)

Do you the like the hotel and location?
[ 40 ] Yes.  If yes, what do you like (check all that apply)
	[ 31 ] free parking
	[ 13 ] convenience to public transportation
	[ 11 ] free lunch
	[ 17 ] city/scenery
	[ 11 ] hotel service
	[ ] other ______
[ 11 ] No.  If not, what did you not like (check all that apply)
	[ 8 ] Hotel appearance
	[ ] Hotel service
	[ ] lunch
[ 5 ] transportation
[ 2 ] other---- Size

If you prefer a different location where do you prefer?  What city?
--- West coast, NY, CH, San F., NJ, Marriot H, College campus

What were your expectations on this job fair?
	[ 43] Employment opportunities	[ 25 ] Internship	[ 4 ] Other

What would you like to see in the itinerary of the job fair?
[ 5 ] Interview only	[ 20 ] Company presentation and interview only
	[ 30 ] Company presentation, interview, and panel discussion

Was the panel discussion helpful?
	[ 27 ] Yes		[ 11 ] No

Should the panel discussion be included in the future job fair?
	[ 22 ] Yes		[ 18 ] No 

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